Wednesday, June 6, 2012

This Year's Recap!

     I know I've been sorely neglecting the family blog. Shame on me. But let me give you a little taste at what's been going on in the Sorensen family since the start of the new year. It's been more than a little busy at times and we're all still trying to adjust to being a family of 4. You'd think we'd have it down by now but nope! Things are always changing with these little guys. :)

     January was not my favorite month. Actually, it was my least favorite month, followed closely by February. And then maybe April... Early in January we returned home from our 2 week, family filled vacation to find that our much needed second car had been stolen from our parking lot. After lots of prayers, lots of praying, and sacrifices offered from family members who don't  have much more than we do to help us find a way to afford another car, the police called at 4 AM a few weeks later to let us know our car had been found. We were excited, but still a little nervous because they wouldn't tell us what condition our car was in. Spencer waited at the tow yard for hours and hours to get it back (that's a whole other story...) we finally had our car turned over to us in perfect condition. They stole about $2 worth of change out of the change drawer and our driver side window sticks now, but otherwise it was perfect. Spencer was excited that all of his fishing gear was still in the trunk. :) It was a huge blessing after weeks of worry and stress, and wondering how in the world we could ever afford to buy another car while Spencer was still in school.
     Shortly after that fiasco was cleared up, Ashley came down with another episode of asthma pretty bad. Isaac had been quite ornery too so we took both of them to the doctors office. As it turned out, Isaac had asthma pretty bad too. Worse than Ashely even. And he was only 4 months old! It took us WEEKS to get them healthy again.

     And February was my second least favorite month because the asthma issues spilled over into February. The end of January was only the start of the asthma issues. By February Isaac was so bad he couldn't eat or sleep (which meant I didn't either...). In one week we had both kids into the doctor 5 times. Yep. Every day that week. By the end of that week Isaac was receiving steroid injections, oxygen at his appointments, and oral steroids while still needing to be treated with albuterol through a nebulizer every 4 hours, even through the night. Nebulizer treatments take about 15 minutes so with both kids needing them every 4 hours, I spent 30 minutes every 4 hours treating children, then another 20 minutes every 2-3 hours feeding Isaac. We didn't go anywhere for a looong time. If Isaac didn't get better over that weekend he was going to have to be hospitalized. Fortunately, again through much prayer and fasting, Isaac improved over the weekend and though we still had to treat him every 4 hours or so, in a few weeks he was back to his normal happy self. He was still having trouble feeding though and I ended up going to a lactation specialist because he had lost so much weight through the illness and we needed him to gain weight. We were told that he was feeding fine and that he would start to catch up, which he did. For a while. More on that later...

     March was pretty uneventful which is saying a lot for us! The kids got sick again, but knowing that Isaac had asthma as well helped us to catch everything when it started so that we could treat the two of them right away and stop the problem before it got to bad.
Sibling love! Saying good night before bedtime. :) So sweet!

     In April we had visitors! Ashley's Grandma Sorensen and her aunt and cousins were able to come play for a weekend! Ashley just couldn't believe that they would come play at her house with her toys! This was a first for her. Usually we go do the visiting so it was a real treat to be the ones that were visited! I was busing sewing another sister-in-law's crib bedding for her baby girl due in May (though the baby came just yesterday!). The sewing took up tons of time took about 3 or 4 weeks of straight sewing to finish and I think my kids were SO glad when I was finally finished. :) We had another somewhat unexpected problem in our house after that. We get cockroaches every year when the weather gets warmer so we spray and usually that's the end of it. But no. They just kept coming. It was like a horror movie. Our kitchen was full of baby cockroaches and lots of bigger ones too. It was so bad we would see them on the counter during the day! They were in our pantry, in our dish cupboards, in our dishwasher (how they got in there, I just don't know) behind the fridge, in the drawers... I was horrified and disgusted! In one night we killed about 25 cockroaches in our kitchen. Those were just the stupid ones who didn't have enough sense to scatter when we turned the light on. I spent an entire Sunday (aside from stopping to feed Isaac and to go to church) emptying every cupboard, throwing away open food, and rewashing every single dish we own. I scrubbed down the entire kitchen and hunted down every filthy cockroach and egg sack I could find. (I'll spare you the details of where the egg sacks were found...) I won that battle, and we've won many battles since, but we're still fighting the war (and the stupidity of the management company who says they'll come spray but never do). I can't wait to get out of here! Between the cockroaches and the SWAT team that has visited our once safe complex 2 or 3 times in the last 6 months (once they were at the apartment directly behind ours, the one we share a wall with, the one we suspect was the source of the cockroach infestation that has now leaked over to our apartment) December and move-out time can't come quickly enough! Though I have to say I'm going to bawl my eyes out leaving our ward.

The finished quilt. I'm dump and didn't take a picture of the rest of it.

     My brother graduated from SUU with a bachelors and a masters so we traveled up to go to his graduation! It was fun and we're super proud of him. He's moving up to Idaho now and we'll be sad we won't see him for a while but we're happy he gets to start what we like to call "real life." We still don't know what that's like haha. Ashley had her 3rd birthday and a fun party! She was so cute and had such a great time getting all the attention. :) Also unexpected in May was a random trip to Salt Lake to see the Sorensen family! Spencer came home the Friday of Memorial Day weekend around noon and said, "Honey, I know this is going to stress you out, but I really want to see my family. Can we go to Salt Lake this weekend?" Being the spouse who use to never see her family, of course I was supportive. "When do you want to leave?" I asked, thinking he'd like to leave first thing in the morning. "Well, I want to leave today. In a couple of hours. Sorry." Haha, stinker! After hours of scrubbing our house and doing laundry we finally left and had a great weekend with the family.
The birthday girl after eating a cupcake at her party!

     So far June has been okay, though I suffered a little emotionally when we decided it's time to wean Isaac. Both kids had to go back to the doctor with asthma again. Exposed to too many cold germs in Utah haha. Ashley had a double ear infection and I took Isaac in to hopefully prevent another episode that I thought was about to happen. As it turned out Isaac has not grown in the last 2 months. He was down to 25% for weight and 5% for height. At birth he was in the 80s across the board! I thought he was looking a little small, but he was happy, fat, and well hydrated and it seemed like I had just been to the lactation specialist who assured me everything was fine. I pumped all the next day to see what Isaac was getting. A grand total of 18ish oz plus 2 jars of food. He should be getting 32 oz! We've now done a full week of supplementing with formula and he's already grown. Poor baby! I was starving him! The doctor and I talked about it and we agreed that Isaac is just too impatient now to sit through a feeding since he can move and always has Ashley wanting to play with him. Because of his distractability (which has always been a problem, but more so now) he never gets all of it and just wants to get down to play. He got enough to stay fat and happy and hydrated, but not enough to grow. He's down to breastfeeding only 3 times a day (my supply is much better now going only 3 times instead of 5) with 2 bottles and 2 jars of food. I'm sad that he's being weaned, but happy he can start to grow again.
Ashley followed Isaac under the table. He likes to hang out there. I think it's because he likes to see if we dropped any food. He's kind of like having a puppy.

     So that's our year in just a few minutes! Sorry it was long... but I figured I'd gotten so behind I should just do one big long post about the whole year and call it good! Hopefully I can stay caught up so you don't have to read ridiculously long posts every 6 months. ;)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Quick Update!

I'd like to say I've had a kabillion requests for an update, but really, I've only had one so Jess, this is for you!!! :)

Some quick stats on the kiddos...

Ashley turns 3 in a month and I just can't believe it! How could the sweet baby who made me a mama be so old already? She's super crazy and super sweet and even though she's driving me crazy, I love her to death! We've been working on potty training for about a month now and I'm SO over the "training" part. Can't kids just be magically trained in one day? That would be so nice... Overall I think she's doing well, mostly I think she has accidents still just to spite me. And yes, almost-3-year-olds do harbor spite. At least mine does. :) But again, she's so sweet and she loves Isaac so much. She's such a good big sister and she's willing to help me if it has to do with Isaac haha. She loves playing outside and she wants to go to the park or go swimming almost every day. She begs to go to church so she can go to nursery to be with her friends. :) It's so sweet.

Isaac recently had his 6 month check-up and he's a fat healthy baby! He's over 18 pounds now and he's built solid like his mama and dad. :) He doesn't look as chunky as Ashley did at 6 months, but he's a heck of a lot heavier! He started rolling over at about 5 ish months (WAY sooner than Ashely did!) and now he rolls all over the house and has been scooting for a while now. Crawling is close! I'm so not ready for it though! With another kid came more stuff and I've got lots of things stored within his reach. With no place else to put it, I don't know what I'm going to do! If an extra bedroom or even a storage closet could be magically added to my house (with no extra rent, ha!) I'd be good to go. :) He puts everything in his mouth and has 2 teeth. I don't think Ashley got her first tooth until at least 9 months! He's got a nasty habit lately of biting while nursing so I may have to end that soon, as much as I don't want to. He's super smiley and generally very happy. We finally moved him out of our room a week ago (I was so worried that he'd wake Ashley up at night that I've put this move off for way too long) and I'm so happy to have my room back! He still wakes up once in the night, but so far Ashley has slept through everything and hopefully he'll be sleeping all the way through the night soon!

After eating a red crayon... I swear I'm not a bad mom! From far away this looked like blood and about gave Spencer and I a heart attack! Silly boy...

Spencer and I are doing well. Just chugging along, waiting for school to finally be over. We've wasted lots and lots of time looking at houses we'd like to own in the next year and a half and I think the dreaming has made the wait seem even longer! It's so close, yet so far. :) We're excited for when we get to move onto the next phase of life (though we're not anxious for the kids to grow up too fast!). Enjoy some shots of the kids and I'll try not to go so long without blogging next time! ;)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Isaac's Baby Blessing

     Okay so you've all figured out by now that I'm WAY behind on posting. And it's all these big events at the end of the year that I've failed to post. These are by far the most daunting posts, which is why it has taken me so long to get to them. I decided I can't keep putting it off forever so I'm starting now and hoping I can catch up quickly!

The Sorensen Clan
     Isaac's baby blessing was November 6th and we were lucky enough to have the majority of our families down for the event. All of Spencer's family was able to attend with the exception of his oldest brother and his family who live in Texas. Everyone else came down for the weekend so we had a great time playing with cousins (and we had an especially good time not traveling haha), and showing everyone where we live. For many of Spencer's siblings this was the first time they had seen where we live and the first time Ashley had a chance to show her cousins her fun room and all of her stuff.

The Grimm/Miller Clan
     Most of my family was able to come as well. My youngest brother is on his mission and my second youngest brother was in his first semester at BYU back from his mission and really needed the weekend to study (he felt so bad about it, and I felt bad that he was having such a rough time, but we understood his need to stay so he could do well in school) but my oldest brother and his wife were able to come, along with my parents, grandparents, and my Aunt Kristin's family. We're so blessed to have them just a few short hours away and so they only came down for the blessing and festivities on Sunday. It was great to have both sides of the family together. We were super cramped with over 20 people in our teeny livingroom, but it was still so much fun!

     It was a busy, yet fun weekend and I'm so happy that we have the supportive family that we do. They are all such wonderful people and we're so grateful to all of them for coming to see us and to hear sweet Isaac receive such a special blessing from Spencer.

Ashley was happy to get Isaac back to herself after all the family left. ;)